Julia de Lucia

15 Videos
Datum : 17-Nov-2010
Age : 22 Jahre alt
Land : Roumanie
Height : 166 cm
Weight : 54 kg
Body : Medium
Ethnicity : Latina
Skin : Dark Skin
Hair Color : Chestnut brown
Eyes : Black
Ass : Big
Tits : Small -
Julia de Lucia is a young romanian girl, but as she is now living in the spanish island Palma de Majorqua she is latin in the heart... and her hot curved body really looks latin. Nice sultry ass, black hair and eye, she had everything ton persuade us to give her a try. And we didn't regret it ! She is horny !!!

Julia de Lucia Porn videos

Video 1 - 15 von 15 Videos : Page 1 sur 1
Porn Video
Die schöne Julia de Lucia wird von Terry auf dem Sofa hart gefickt Calendar 26/10/2021 Eye 12168 Stopwatch 19:05
Porn Video
Larry shags her neibourgh sexy pen friend Calendar 01/12/2016 Eye 28319 Stopwatch 19:17
Making-Of - Free Video
julia de lucia yesenia rock mo 01 Calendar 04/01/2011 Eye 31572 Stopwatch 00:24
julia de lucia yesenia rock terry mo 01 Calendar 28/11/2010 Eye 7356 Stopwatch 00:36
Porn Video
Dreharbeiten zu einer Szene am Strand mit Julia de Lucia & Yesenia Calendar 28/11/2010 Eye 43637 Stopwatch 17:03
julia de lucia leo galvez mo 02 Calendar 26/11/2010 Eye 4534 Stopwatch 00:23
julia de lucia leo galvez mo 01 Calendar 26/11/2010 Eye 4444 Stopwatch 00:23
Porn Video
Pornostar Julia de Lucia hat ihr Pornodebüt mit Leo Galvez Calendar 26/11/2010 Eye 55070 Stopwatch 24:42
Lesbian play with her pussies Calendar 23/11/2010 Eye 28135 Stopwatch 08:36
Nice teen arab Julia De Lucia dancing and stripping by the well Calendar 23/11/2010 Eye 23211 Stopwatch 03:08
julia de lucia phil hollyday mo 01 Calendar 17/11/2010 Eye 39313 Stopwatch 00:32
SoftVideo - Free Video
Interview porno with Julia De Lucia Calendar 17/11/2010 Eye 23582 Stopwatch 07:15
Porn Video
Ficken an einem öffentlichen Strand mit dem umwerfenden Pornostar Julia de Lucia Calendar 17/11/2010 Eye 56947 Stopwatch 22:26
Lovely petite arab Julia De Lucia stripping on the bed Calendar 17/11/2010 Eye 28007 Stopwatch 03:41
Lovely teen arab Julia De Lucia doing a hot striptease on the beach Calendar 17/11/2010 Eye 28517 Stopwatch 03:12
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